Why influencer marketing is so important for brands?

Since its inception, influencer marketing has proven to be a successful strategy for many brands. The strategy once thought of…

Startup businesses and Digital marketing

Online Marketing Ideas for Startups   In the realm of…

How Instagram Reels are changing Influencer Marketing?

What is Instagram Reels? The new Instagram Reels feature offers…

Social Commerce and Influencer Marketing

What is Social Commerce? Social Commerce is a new phenomenon,…

Influencer marketing: Internals of the organisation influencing externals

With the rise in social media marketing practices, many organisations,…

Micro and Nano Influencers: The new brand favourite

Brand promotions with few followers are tough & even with…

Will AI Take Your Marketing Job?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, and it has really…

How will CBO Impact your Facebook Advertising In 2020?

By September 2020 Facebook will impose “Campaign Budget Optimization” on…

How to Manage Facebook Ad Frequency

Facebook ad frequency has a major impact on the success…

Could AI Replace Creatives?

AI has advanced at an unprecedented pace. Already generally accepted…

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