Test Your Facebook Knowledge

We thought we’d create some marketing quizzes that went a little above and beyond in testing marketers.
We don’t expect even advanced advertisers to know all of the answers to these questions. THAT’S OKAY! That’s why we’re always here for our clients.
The goal here is for you to figure out what you know and what you don’t know – and we’d be very curious to see you sharing your results! Please tag us on Facebook using @filedai or on Instagram as @filed_ai.
Your answers are completely anonymous and there is no prize given to those with the best scores.

New Facebook Advertising Policies for 2019

We’re sure you’re already aware of a lot of the…

Instagram Story Tips and Examples

7 Tips to Creating an Amazing Instagram Story (with Examples!)…

Facebook’s Audience Targeting Options

How To Make the Most of Facebook’s Audience Targeting Options…